We've come a long way baby!
Being a woman means you can read prayers from the Lenten seasonal booklets while walking the stations of the cross or meditate with your miracle sisters listening to Om Deeksha...or best...turn the pages with your mother's hands of her manual of prayers and discover a flower delivery card tucked inside honoring your birth.
Women can multi-task inside a world view...with an open heart for all.
Please enjoy the following video from conscious men.
It's a message you shall want to hear and see. Luv ~ Me
On my mother's 90th birthday, I received this video prayer from conscious men in this world who are apologizing for all the men who have come before and have ignored the feminine way. I didn't really know it but I've waited a long time for this moment.
Thank you miracle sisters for keeping the flame burning.
Thank you men for speaking this truth.